Tourist at Home

A good traveller has no fixed plans and is not intent on arriving. Lao-Tzu

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Location: United Kingdom

Friday, July 20, 2007

Pommie Sheila

G'day all

Arrived in Darwin yesterday for my time off in Darwin. End of my first tour sans training. Everything went really well, lots of good people on tour, food went down well and good feedback from the passengers. So enjoying a decent township that is Darwin, eating out and drinking and hitting the beauty salon. Really hot and nice appartment where I have been getting a 'sex and the city' fix.
So on Monday I set off again for the next 4 weeks heading south to Alice Springs, round Uluru and back up. After that I potentailly have 1 week off which I am excited about and hoping is definite. Can't believe how long I've been away and wondering when I'll set foot on the mother country again. Until that day been great hearing from you and lots of love x x x

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Alice Springs

Just said goodbye to my first tour group, which was strangely sad. Been a tough learning curve on the first tour but think its going to be lots of fun although scary and hardwork. Glad I'll be working with a cool driver as I serve up 3 course delights and book people on camel tours. Will post photos as soon as I can x x x